HALO - XTRAVAGANZA / The Real Brothers
/Tonight I covered a friend of mines night at Halo Bournemouth, for those who don't know Halo it used to be V or LandMark years back. Halo is a super modern high profile niche club in the centre of Bournemouth. Super high ceilings and incredible acoustics from its sheer size and well places speaker systems make watching a DJ or act is a real treat. Last night was all about the Real Brothers. I hadn't shot these guys before and was really, majorly impressed! The music was amazing, some great House music projected out and the time was a taken to make the drops special and memorable for the crowd. Fire Performer and friend of mine Dan Sheva Phillips from Candi also showing some mad skills, and by far one of my favourite fire performers!
Photos below, enjoy!
Group of Girls mixing with the light.
Halo Sponsors Innercity clothing brand
Daniel Sheva Philips from Candi Entertainment
Big Drops and memories made
The Real Brother(s)
Impressive CO2/Lighting systems inside super club Halo