NYE: Happy 2016!

I can't believe its over, 2015 has been the best year of my life and career. It has been a struggle in areas but thats mostly my body telling me to rest. Traveling round the world between January and May on the beautiful Queen Elizabeth. Making so many friends and concreting the fact that I shouldn't doubt my ability as much as I do. Its tough when your so hard on yourself that everything you do, is heavily self criticised. This year has taken me to six music festivals. From Larmer Tree in blanford to Bestival and Isle of Wight festival, where I shot officially for my first year. 

I can only hope my 2016 and yours is just as much fun as 2015. With a fresh perspective and well  rested mind, body and soul, it should have some really special moments!

My NYE this year was to start and end at my local venue Bar So in Bournemouth. This venue has provided me with so many friends and beautiful moments both on camera and off camera. It really meant a lot to finish in this beautiful location surrounded by the best in the business.